[Allan Topol / AllanTopol.Com]
Lightning paced thriller writer
of International Intrigue
National Bestselling Author

Allan Topol's Books:

[The Poor Man's Club']
The Poor Man's Club
The Poor Man's Club

Former CIA Director, Craig Page, and internationally known journalist, Elizabeth Crowder, are back in a new spell-binding thriller.

When Elizabeth is poisoned in a Rome hotel room and barely survives, Craig is determined to find out who was responsible. His search leads him to Milan, Bardolino, and London. Along the way, in this exhilarating story, Craig is repeatedly attacked and key witnesses are murdered. Yet, he and Elizabeth persevere. Craig's search takes him back to Yale University 35 years ago and an enigmatic group of four undergraduates.

Craig uncovers a dark conspiracy, meticulously planned by Hu Zheng, a former Chinese intelligence agent, now the Chinese President. Craig learns that Hu's goal is China's takeover of Taiwan. Even more terrifying, Craig discovers that the ultimate objective of Hu's sinister plot is to manipulate the election of the American President. And it all began at Yale University with the Poor Man's Club.

Can Craig and Elizabeth stop Hu before he does devastating damage to the United States?

Topol is up there with such masters of the labyrinth as Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy.
--The Washington Post
[Washington Operator]
The Poor Man's Club
At Amazon.Com!

[The Washington Operator]
The Chinese Agent
The Chinese Agent
On Sale May 2022

Jim Forester, the FBI Director is assassinated in Mexico City. When President Braddock appoints Kelly Cameron, a rising FBI agent, Director of the Bureau's China Section, to take charge of the investigation, Kelly is forced to overcome her personal grief for Forester, her mentor and friend.

In unraveling the riddle of Forester's murder, Kelly uncovers Operation Chameleon, a bold and daring plot by the Chinese government that would put the United State at tremendous peril. She proceeds with dogged persistence despite personal danger and repeated attacks on her life and those helping her.

The espionage landscape is constantly shifting around Kelly. She doesn't know whom to trust.

The nonstop action moves from Washington to Mexico to Rome and Hong Kong. Forester's murder blossoms into an electrifying international crisis with tremendous stakes for the United States.

Topol is up there with such masters of the labyrinth as Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy.
--The Washington Post
[Washington Operator]
The Chinese Agent
At Amazon.Com!

[The Washington Operator]
The French Revenge
The French Revenge
On Sale May 2020

Former US Congressman Anthony Ferrari is now living in Milan and romantically involved with the beautiful Chiara Moretti, one of the world's top concert pianists. When the two of them are vacationing in Corsica and running on the beach, Chiara is suddenly shot. Enraged, Anthony launches an investigation to determine who is responsible and to punish them.

This investigation enmeshes him in French politics and he clashes with Louise, a French intelligence officer and former lover of his who wants to rekindle their relationship. He finally concludes that Russian President Volkov, a long-time enemy of his from his days as a congressman, is responsible and he plans to assassinate him. But can he actually kill a head of state and get away with it? And what will the ramifications be for Chiara, who's alive but terrified the killer -- or killers -- will make a second attempt?

Full of dazzling international locations and furious action, THE FRENCH REVENGE is a thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Topol is up there with such masters of the labyrinth as Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy.
--The Washington Post
[Washington Operator]
The French Revenge
At Amazon.Com!

[The Washington Operator]
The Washington Operator
The Washington Operator
On Sale April 2019

The Washington landscape is littered with the carcasses of Washington operators and lobbyists, who often end up in jail. But none is as venal and greedy as George Corbin, the villain in The Washington Operator, my fifteenth novel, a fast-moving political thriller.

Corbin works with China to implement a plot to take over Middle Eastern oil, utilizing Iran as a puppet. While investigating the murder of a university student, Kelly Cameron, a rising star in the FBI, learns of this plot.

Kelly gains assistance from Ester, a Mossad agent who has a long-time love affair with a high ranking Iranian official. Together, they launch a daring plan to thwart the Chinese and to bring down the powerful, corrupt, and immoral Washington operator, Corbin.

Topol is up there with such masters of the labyrinth as Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy.
--The Washington Post
[Washington Operator]
The Washington Operator
At Amazon.Com!

[Russian Resurgence]
Russian Resurgence
Russian Resurgence
On Sale April 2018

Twelve year old Nick, escaping from the burning of his grandfather's house in Potomac, Maryland by Russian thugs, is caught up in a plot by Russian President Kuznov to recreate the Soviet empire in eastern and central Europe. The linchpin of Kuznov's plan is an agreement with a corrupt Hungarian Prime Minister to permit Russia to move troops into Hungary. In Allan Topol's fast moving fourteenth novel, Craig Page and Elizabeth Crowder, working with Peter Toth, who bears the scars of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, and Peter's grandson, Nick, try to thwart Kuznov's plot. The action moves from Paris to Grozny, to Washington, and finally to intriguing Budapest. Craig, Elizabeth and Nick face repeated attacks on their lives.

Topol is up there with such masters of the labyrinth as Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy.
--The Washington Post

Russian Resurgence
At Amazon.Com!
Russian Resurgence
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[Washington Power Play]
Washington Power Play
Washington Power Play
On Sale March 2017

Washington Power Play spins a tale of international intrigue, deception, and corruption at the highest levels of power. Kelly Cameron, a young FBI agent, has just thwarted a terrorist attack on the Walter Reed hospital in Washington, and is now placed in charge of a task force to find a mole in the U.S. Government. She soon finds evidence of a plot initiated by the Chinese government supporting General Cartwright to be elected as the U.S. President.

Kelly's efforts to thwart this plan are hindered by Xiang Shen, a Chinese diplomat who was once her lover, and Andrew Martin, a powerful Washington lawyer who has strong ties to the Chinese. Kelly faces danger with repeated attacks on her life and her daughter's kidnapping. At stake in the Washington Power Play is the global balance of power.

Topol is up there with such masters of the labyrinth as Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy.
--The Washington Post

Washington Power Play
At Amazon.Com!
Washington Power Play
At Amazon UK

Washington Power Play
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[The Italian Divide]
The Italian Divide
The Italian Divide
On Sale March 2016

When prominent Italian banker Frederico Castiglione is murdered in an apparent jewelry robbery gone wrong, things are not what they seem. Former CIA Director Craig Page is enjoying his new life as Italian race car driver Enrico Marino-but when he hears that his friend and sponsor has been found dead, he suspects foul play. Shortly after Castiglione's death, Italian banker Andrew Goldoni is asked to sell-or else. When he refuses, his daughter goes missing.

Craig embarks on an investigation to solve the riddles underlying Castiglione's murder and rescue Goldoni's daughter, but the pieces don't quite fit. The murderers are Russian, but the takeovers are based in China, and somehow Roberto Parelli, the Italian separatist candidate for President, is involved.

With the help of Elizabeth Crowder, CIA director Betty Richards, and director of EU Counter Terrorism Giuseppe, Craig discovers a complicated web of mysterious political and financial takeovers across Italy, all linked back to Craig's sworn enemy, Zhou Yun, and Roberto Parelli.

In The Italian Divide loyalties lie deep, dangerous alliances are made to be broken, and organized crime is omnipotent. Allan Topol's latest Craig Page thriller is an electrifying foray into the world of international intrigue. Against blackmail, extortion, and treason, can Craig Page still prevail?

Topol is up there with such masters of the labyrinth as Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy.
--The Washington Post

The Italian Divide
At Amazon.Com!
The Italian Divide
At Amazon UK

The Italian Divide
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[The Washington Lawyer]
The Washington Lawyer
The Washington Lawyer
On Sale September 2013

In the high-stakes world of Washington politics, hotshot lawyer Andrew Martin is being put to the test. When long-time friend Senator William Jasper calls, it's with explosive news-and a favor to ask. A sex tryst at Martin's beach house in Anguilla has gone awry and former model Vanessa Boyd is dead. Just how far will Martin go to protect the chief justice nomination he's built his entire career on?

Staggered by the sudden death of her twin sister, archeologist Allison Boyd drops everything to fly home to her grieving family. But when she realizes that the pieces to the puzzle simply won't add up, she is determined to discover the truth behind her sister's death. Launching an investigation that will unveil a treasonous plot backed by foreign interests and enabled by blackmail, Allison finds herself up against something bigger and more lethal than she could have ever imagined. With Martin's star associate Paul Maltoni at her side, she uncovers a complex, interconnected web of lies that will expose some of Washington's most influential power players. And she will not rest until she sees them ruined.

From the best-selling author of the Craig Page series, The Washington Lawyer is a penetrating glimpse into Capitol Hill's seedy underbelly. High-powered DC lawyer Allan Topol impresses again with this escapade into the intricate underpinnings of Washington's elite, drawing you into a net of questionable morals, deadly intrigues, and treachery from which there is no escape.

Topol is up there with such masters of the labyrinth as Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy.
--The Washington Post

The Washington Lawyer
At Amazon.Com!
The Washington Lawyer
At Amazon UK

The Washington Lawyer
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[The Argentine Triangle]
The Argentine Triangle
The Argentine Triangle
On Sale September 2013

Craig Page is back in my tenth novel. The Argentine Triangle, another fast paced thriller. The Argentine Triangle will be in bookstores around the country in April 2014. It will also be available from Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com and will be up on all e-book platforms.

This time, Craig goes undercover in the glamorous world of Buenos Aires' wealthy elite. He confronts brutality driven by a power hungry Argentine general, his cruel henchman, and a double dealing Washington lawyer who is the American president's closest advisor.

In trying to block their effort to reshape exotic Argentina and all of South America, Craig uncovers buried secrets from the Dirty War. His mission and life hinge upon Gina, a sensuous young argentine journalist, and Nicole, a compassionate patriot. This is a heart wrenching tale of intrigue and deception.

Topol is up there with such masters of the labyrinth as Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy.
--The Washington Post

The Argentine Triangle
At Amazon.Com!
The Argentine Triangle
At Amazon UK

The Argentine Triangle
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[The Spanish Revenge]
The Russian Endgame
The Russian Endgame
On Sale September 2013

When former KGB agent Dimitri Orlov orchestrates an alliance between two world powers bent on domination, he unleashes a powerful chain of events that will rock the Western World. The agenda? Eliminate the President of the United States and seize classified military weaponry capable of shifting the balance of world power. But before this nefarious scheme can reach fruition, Craig Page is on the scene, joined by companion Elizabeth Crowder, ready to confront a painful past and the enemies that helped create it. But can the indomitable Director of Counterterrorism emerge victorious? Finding himself facing an old enemy unexpectedly catapulted into a lethal position of power, Craig is pushed to the limit in an effort to foil his enemy's deadly plans and keep potentially devastating military technology out of the hands of those prepared to destroy the world as he knows it.

Filled with thrills, twists, and danger, The Russian Endgame showcases best-selling author Allan Topol's talent for delivering electrifying, gripping expeditions into the world of international intrigue. Following on the heels of The China Gambit and The Spanish Revenge, The Russian Endgame offers a riveting conclusion to a dangerous three-part game of international conspiracy, politics, and greed.

"John Grisham and Richard North Patterson may have a new successor."
--Publishers Weekly

The Russian Endgame
At Amazon.Com!
The Russian Endgame
At Amazon UK

The Russian Endgame
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[The Spanish Revenge]
READ MORE ON The Spanish Revenge
The Spanish Revenge
On Sale September 2012

Craig Page, the bold and daring EU Director of Counterterrorism, becomes the focal point of an effort to stop the feared terrorist Ahmed Sadi, whose goal is to provoke a Muslim uprising in Western Europe. Ahmed, a Muslim fanatic born in Paris to parents who emigrated from Algeria, calls himself Musa Ben Abdil, after a Muslim hero from the Fifteenth Century War with Spain. Page teams up once again the resourceful Elizabeth Crowder, a newspaper reporter who has also become his lover.

Ahmed's plans become far more menacing when he is joined by Chinese General Zhou, who had been exiled to France for his devious actions in The Spanish Revenge. With Zhou's assistance, Ahmed's plan is to launch a horrific attack on the heart of Christianity. At the same time, Ahmed wants to retake militarily for Islam a portion of Southern Spain. He relies upon a medieval parchment he claims to have uncovered, in which Queen Isabella on her death bed in 1504 ceded a portion of Southern Spain to the Muslims in perpetuity. His one main obstacle: Page himself is hot on his trail, determined as ever to save the world from a master criminal. From Spain to Morocco, and beyond to Italy, Page and General Zhou renew their battle, even as Ahmed plots his deadly revenge.

"John Grisham and Richard North Patterson may have a new successor."
--Publishers Weekly

The Spanish Revenge
At Amazon.Com!
The Spanish Revenge
At Amazon UK

The Spanish Revenge
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[The China Gambit]
READ MORE ON The China Gambit
The China Gambit
On Sale January 2012

In Canada, Francesca, a young American reporter, is brutally murdered to stop her from publishing an explosive story. She has learned that Chinese General Zhou has orchestrated a conspiracy with Iran to stop the flow of imported oil to the United States. General Zhou's goal: To leapfrog China over the United States for world economic and military supremacy. And the ruthless General will do anything to accomplish that goal.

Craig Page - a daring and resourceful former CIA agent, now fighting terrorism in Europe - is determined to find out who killed his daughter, Francesca. Joined by the gutsy Elizabeth Crowder, Francesca's editor, Craig peels back the conspiracy layer by layer, ultimately learning that General Zhou has a partner in the scheming CIA director, Kirby, who forced Craig out of the Agency.

The action moves from Canada to Tehran, Beijing and Washington, and finally to Aspen, with Craig and Elizabeth narrowly escaping repeated attacks in their attempt to prevent a catastrophe for the United States. It's exciting and exceedingly timely, with attention focused now on China's growing strength and power in the world. At the same time, Craig must bury his personal loss, as he confronts his adversaries trying to kill him.

"John Grisham and Richard North Patterson may have a new successor."
--Publishers Weekly

The China Gambit
At Amazon.Com!
The China Gambit
At Amazon UK

The China Gambit
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[IndieBound Community]
The mission of the IndieBound Community is to help people across the United States share and find independently-owned businesses. By connecting indie-conscious people with local businesses, we're working to strengthen the health of Main Street ecosystems across the United States.

READ MORE ON Enemy Of My Enemy
Now available on all e-book platforms

National bestselling author Allan Topol returns with a lightning-paced thriller that takes readers into the shifting sands of international intrigue and the silent war against terror.

In Syria, a downed American pilot from a powerful political family becomes a pawn in a sinister conspiracy. A brilliant general has orchestrated a plan to make his country a feared nuclear power, and to unite the entire Middle East against its hated twin adversaries: America and Israel. To stop the threat, American covert agent Jack Cole must convince the alluring, enigmatic Layla Gemayel to help him infiltrate the terrorist plot before it engulfs the region in chaos—and leaves the free world at the mercy of a madman…

"John Grisham and Richard North Patterson may have a new successor."
--Publishers Weekly

This author was featured on bargainbooksy.com

Enemy Of My Enemy
At Amazon.Com!
Enemy Of My Enemy
At Amazon UK

Enemy Of My Enemy
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

READ MORE ON Conspiracy
Now Available

In a presidential election year, rumors can kill--and as California senator Charles Boyd pulls ahead in the polls, he becomes a target. Soon after anonymous charges are made against him, the senator is found dead. It looks like suicide--but is it? Innuendos of a love affair with the senator haunt Taylor Ferrari, Boyd's sensuous campaign manager. She becomes an unlikely ally with U.S. attorney, C. J. Cady, as they follow the trail of deception out of Washington--to expose an unseen enemy with the power to manipulate the fate of nations.

"Takes off at warp speed...
Topol has done his homework."
--Washingtonian Online

At Amazon.Com!
At Amazon UK

At Barnes & Noble.Com!

READ MORE ON Dark Ambition
On Sale Now

The secretary of state has been murdered in his home. It looks like a robbery gone wrong. It seems the prime suspect is the politician's gardener. But in Washington, D.C., nothing is as it seems. Justice Department lawyer Ben Hartwell is assigned the unenviable task of finding the truth. His greatest obstacle--and ally--is the lawyer for the accused. Together they uncover a lifetime of political intrigues, private indiscretions, personal ememies-and questionable ties to the Chinese Government--in the victim's high-level career. At the same time, the embers of their prior romance are rekindled. Was the secretary of state merely a puppet in a vast conspiracy? And if so, who cut the strings? The answers could expose America's darkest secrets--and silence anyone who digs too deep.

"Topol's Fiction Is Woven From The Threads
Of Real Events And Real-Life Concerns"
--Legal Times

[Dark Ambition]
Dark Ambition
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[Dark Ambition]
Dark Ambition
At Amazon.Com!
[Dark Ambition]
Dark Ambition
At Amazon UK

[Spy Dance]
Spy Dance
Now available on all e-book platforms

Ex-CIA agent Greg Nielsen thought he had escaped his shadowy past. He was wrong.

Someone has found him-and is blackmailing him to enter the dangerous game of international espionage once again. But there's one very deadly difference: this time, the target is his own country.

Once A Spy, Always A Spy.
The Dance Begins...

The CIA was Greg Nielsen's life--until he was set up and marked for a fall. But the Company taught him well. He knew how to make himself dissapear. With a new name, a new life, and a new love, Nielsen was free... or so he believed.

Someone has found him. Someone who knows who he is, what he can do, and how to force him back into action. Against his own country.

Now, with his stepdaughter taken hostage, a beautiful Mossad agent as his only ally, and his adversaries already moving against him, Greg Nielsen must reenter the murderous world he thought he had left behind--if they don't kill him first.


In the tradition of thriller masters Robert Ludlum and
Ken Follett, Allan Topol weaves a shadowy web of
International conspiracy and explosive violence
where the only goal is survival...

[Spy Dance]
Spy Dance
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[Spy Dance]
Spy Dance
At Amazon.Com!
[Spy Dance]
Spy Dance
At Amazon UK

[Spy Dance]
A Woman of Valor
Now available on all e-book platforms

Few novels have kept me as involved as this one.
It's today's news packaged in a tender, dangerous,
violent loving manner.
--Mary Benninghoff

A Woman of Valor, with a new turn on almost every page,
is a fine read. --Earle Copp
Beautiful, brilliant, sworn to a lifetime of vengeance, Leora Baruch hurls herself into acts of daring, enduring, prison and torture as a crack member of M-18-Israelis feared anti-terrorist force. From the capitals of Europe and America back to the sizzling Middle East, Leora uncovers a stunning plot to sabotage Israeli-Egyptian peace forever. And suddenly, she finds herself rushing to a shattering confrontation with the quarry who has long eluded her-the master assassin known only as "the Sword."

[Spy Dance]
A Woman of Valor
At Amazon.Com!
[Spy Dance]
A Woman of Valor
At Barnes & Noble.Com!

[The Fourth of July War]
The Fourth of July War
Now available on all e-book platforms

"Topol creates believable character with real problems and emotions; he constructs a tight, suspenseful plot that has us flipping pages as fast as we can find out what happens while we root 100% for a hero we don't altogether like."
--Roger Dionne, The Los Angeles Times

"Topol knows of the Washington scene. His knowledge makes for spellbinding reading." --A. Fred Sochatoff, Pittsburgh Press
The year is 1983, and America is faced with an ineffectual civilian government, a weak president and the threat of its oil supply line, OPEC, being cut off on the 4th of July. Unemployment is already 20 percent and inflation is 35 percent.

George T. Morris, a successful California businessman, comes to Washington to be Secretary of Energy. Morris is astounded by the inept President and his floundering administration in the face of an energy crisis. Working with General Thomas, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Morris fashions a daring and creative solution.

[The Fourth of July War]
The Fourth of July War
At Amazon.Com!
[The Fourth of July War]
The Fourth of July War
At Barnes & Noble.Com!